04-15-24 Lake Erie Walleye Report

4-15-24 Lake Erie Walleye Report - Oak Harbor, OH
Report from Captain Brandon.
Great work getting those vets out!

Today I fished with Jeff, Alex, Ray, and Greg as part of a 2-day deal with The Fallen Outdoors! I joined Pro Staff for Team Ohio this year and my goal is to get a trip a month in with these guys. The organization focuses on connecting veterans in the outdoors for camaraderie and I always feel these are beneficial to the mental health of the vets and myself!
We hit a bumpy lake this morning with a stiff north breeze. The lake was stirred up from a few days of big west wind, but last night’s satellite seemed to show it was improving. I headed northeast to 32’ of water and setup running with the waves to make a long troll down to the range. Camp Perry was closing some 2 again, causing fishermen to search way out.
We ran bandits 35-45 and 75-85 back, taking fish at both to begin but the high side eventually died. Speed was best around 1.7. It was faster early and came down to a slow pick. At 4 hours in we had just 12 fish. I heard Capt Dale of Predator Fishing Charters on the radio and he filled me in on a good bite. So in a chance move I grabbed my gear and made a long run to fish his area. In short, it was complete chaos! We ended up taking 15 fish in the last hour (and losing one at the net) to finish the day with 27 amazing Lake Erie Walleye! Most of the big fish were spawned out. Bandits back 35-60 did the work at 1.3-1.4!