11-14-2023 Lake Erie Walleye Fishing Report

The Lake Erie Fall Walleye action continues! Captain Bob and his crew found some great fish on a beautiful weather day for November! In general, the action has been good east of the Lake Erie Islands, all the way to Vermillion. There are fish to be found everywhere in this stretch of water. Full report from Captain Bob below. Notice Bob mentions the fish being picky and the lure of the day is varying each day! This is why we stress having a variety on the boat with you. Good luck out there and make sure to do those cold water boat checks!
These two took advantage of the great weather and the open date I had available. The reward was a great cooler of fish! The fishing started off great, then slowed way down. But we stuck with it and found a good pod of active fish that wanted to eat. These fish have been very moody for me. One day, they want Reapers, the next day they want Precision Walleye Cranks, the next day Reef Runners. Today, it was DDHJ 12s time to shine. I caught fish on Reapers, PWC's, P10s Bandits, and Deep Huskies. The Deep Huskies with weight did the most damage. Reapers, Bandits, and PWC's were 65 to 130 back. P10s were 20/20, 30/30 with 2 and 3oz snap weights, and the Huskies were 40/40 and 50/100 with a 2oz. Speed was 1.5 to 2.0 and didn't really seem to matter. We targeted 35 to 45 FOW.
I still have a few days left for this season, but those days are dwindling fast. I am booking for next season as well, which some have taken advantage of. For charter fishing bookings you can contact me at 419-503-1748 or on my charter page, HERE.