5-5-23 Detroit River Walleye Report

We hit the water a little late, getting lines wet around 8am. Old waypoints didn't disappoint. We dropped jigs on their heads right out of the gate. A 3/4 oz black jig with a Black n gold 4'' Split Tail Minnow did the most damage. Stinger hooks were a must as most of them were stinger hook only. We used our 2.5'' Stinger Hooks! We also caught on the Bondy Baits in Goby and Pink Lemonade. Didn't get many pictures as it was non stop as soon as we started jigging. 14-17' of water in the lower end of the river. Finished up our limit by 930 and went and casted for smallmouth for awhile. Got a few very nice river smallies. One was a dandy with one eyeball
Water temp was 48 degrees. 3-4' of visibility. Beautiful morning on the water. Was great to be back on the river! The bite will remain good for weeks yet, so get out there and get your fill of action!