6-10-22 Lake Erie Walleye Report - Evening Trip
Launch Location - Fenwick Marina - Oak Harbor, OH
Trip #2 of the day. Double fishing report for everyone! Started where we ended in the morning and the fish were negative. Tons of cottonwood and mayflies to battle. Mayflies were filling the screen up and fish were gorging on them. Lots of great marks and good color water but the bite was non-existent except for a few shorts. Stayed on the move and checked many other areas. After many miles of searching we got on a decent bite in the last hour or so of daylight. The final area we fished was clear of mayflies and cottonwood on the surface, which made fishing much easier. We boated 50 plus shorts tonight and countless sheepshead, a couple catfish, etc where our morning trip was all keeper walleye. Crazy how different the two trips were in the same day. We still got some nice fish but we're BUSY weeding through the shorts. Lost many bigger fish on the way in and at the back of the boat. Got rained on and the wind shifted out of every direction but it was still a nice evening. Ended in 31' and trolled at 2.4-2.6. Cranks caught a few tonight but spoons behind tadpoles and dipsy divers were best. The larger 3.5" Badmo Spoons in our custom color pulled the most keepers tonight. Size zero dipsy on a zero setting at 48 back and 3 setting at 78 back were best. Size 1 Tadpoles at 80' back. 74 degree surface temp. Mayfly mats floating on the surface and the fish finder screen was full of them emerging in the muddy bottom areas. Biting flies were eating ankle meat tonight as well. Ended the night with the biggest fish of the night! Long run back into the harbor at dark in white caps but everyone was in good spirits. Good luck out there! If you are interested in fishing with us, click HERE to check out our Lake Erie Charter Fishing Business Get Fish Charters!