Perch Rigs for Yellow Perch Fishing

Perch Rigs are a staple lure when fishing for yellow perch. Whether you are chasing perch on Lake Erie, Lake Michigan, other great lakes or inland lakes, perch rigs are a must have lure to have in your arsenal. Where you fish, bottom content/structure, water clarity, and many other variables determine how to target perch and what kind of rig to use. Typically perch are tight to the bottom, especially on the great lakes. Once they school up the action can be very good. Typically anglers tip them with shiners/minnows of some sort, but worms, chunks of shrimp and other live bait work as well.
The Perch Fly Rig has become a staple perch rig across the country the last few years for avid perch anglers. The hand tied flies along with the finer details built into the rig separate it from any other rig on the market. The Perch Slammer Rig is also becoming a fisherman's favorite. The Slammer rig packs a 1:2 punch with it being a quality rig, great producer and is easy on the wallet. Both are tied with a floating two hook dropper design, which allows the perch to inhale the hook without feeling resistance. This offers better hook ups and a more productive time on the water.
Each day, mood of the fish, water clarity, available forage and more determines which color they prefer each day. The next day can be totally opposite of the previous day. On days when the perch are finicky, the small details can really add up. No matter which rig you choose, pounding bottom occasionally to "call" in the perch is important. Vary the action/cadence of your presentation as well and see what they want. Typically with dropper style perch rigs you want to drop down, pound bottom a few times and then hold the line tight. Keep your weight on the bottom and feel for a bite. Many times the bite is a two peck bite. You feel the first peck, wait for it...second peck, set the hook. Sometimes this method also helps double up on multiple perch at at time. A spinning rod with a light or medium action rod will do the trick. 6-10# braided line makes bite detection 100% better and is a must when using perch rigs! With all of that said, don't forget to find the fish first! Watch for bottom activity on your electronics. Schools of perch typically look like layers of lasagna on the bottom when you are anchored. No matter how good your perch rig is, it's not going to catch perch if you're nowhere near them. Find em', try different options/jigging cadences, catch and repeat. Good luck and happy fishing!